Sales of Organic Fruit and Vegetables

Wide range of organic fruit and vegetables.

The composition of the assortment of organic fruit and vegetables depends on the season and the possibilities of the suppliers. We offer domestic as well as imported vegetables and fruit from abroad - especially in winter.
Newly, vegetables and fruit from farms in the transition period are included. These farms have started farming according to the rules of organic farming, but they are not certified yet. The products cannot yet be labelled as organic. However, in terms of cultivation and quality, they are almost identical to the certified products.


- Orders should be sent directly to the fruit and vegetable organic store for an up-to-date assortment and price offer, or contact the Customer Center.
- The assortment structure depends on the demand, time of year, possibilities of suppliers
- Prices are up to date.
- Minimum purchase is 300 CZK for other goods from the wholesale store.
- Separate collection of fruit and vegetables must meet the delivery value according to the commercial conditions.
- Plastic crates are replaced piece by piece in the same quality.


Fort the orders, pleas call to the warehouse of fruit and vegetable for actual offer and prices.


Jan Jiránek - manager of the fruit and vegetable department
+420 313 033 966

Zdeněk Grunt - handeling orders, shipping
+420 313 033 953
+420 739 081 233

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